Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Kebabs | This recipe takes cheeseburgers to a whole new level. No bun substitute required! Instead, we’re grilling mini cheeseburger patties, bacon, and skewering those with other classic burger toppings. These kebabs are so fun to eat! If you don’t have a grill, you can make these on the stovetop too. #ketobbq #ketorecipes #cheeseburgers

Keto Bacon Cheeseburger Kebabs | This recipe takes cheeseburgers to a whole new level. No bun substitute required! Instead, we’re grilling mini cheeseburger patties, bacon, and skewering those with other classic burger toppings. These kebabs are so fun to eat! If you don’t have a grill, you can make these on the stovetop too. #ketobbq #ketorecipes #cheeseburgers